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Thursday 24 March 2011

Is there really a smart pick at #13?

At this time of year all the crazies come out of the closet calling for the Lions to draft someone totally unnecessary and usually we counter balance that with a call for drafting a cool, calm but maybe less talented head. I don't know if there is a dead safe pick at 13, but mostly because it seems harder than ever this year to predict who will go where. There are so many differing mock drafts out there, and with free agency potentially happening after the draft this year we could see an insane level of trades happening as people draft need over talent.
People have thrown up the following names on mock drafts:
Tyron Smith, Nate Solder, Jimmy Smith, Robert Quinn, JJ Watt, Anthony Costonzo and Ryan Kerrigan. I have seen one where the Prince himself slips to us at #13 but even if he did get past the Cowboys at #9 I don't see him getting past the Texans (as much as i'd love him to be the future crown prince of Michigan.)

As pretty as these selections may be they all carry some downside. A tackle doesn't seem to be high on Mayhew's hit list and may even sit for a lot of the year, DE is not our biggest need at all and according to Tom Kowalski Jimmy Smith comes with risk. Linebackers like Akeem Ayers are falling down draft boards and Bruce Carter can be taken in round 2.

Mayhew and co will take the best player available regardless and until then we may have to sit on our couches clueless as to what might happen. I like surprises but it sure does make your head spin...

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