Welcome Lions and Wolves from everywhere!

Go Lions WIN! - GO WOLVES!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Welcome and introductions

Hello world! This is my first venture into the world of blogging and publishing my thoughts and feelings to the world, which as a Lions fan and coach of a junior football programme is often an emotional ride! So welcome to the craziness. That's me, third from the left with the grey zip up hoodie, with my junior champions, September 18th at the British Championship - the Britbowl. I love the Lions and it sucks so much that they are hundreds of miles and an ocean away and everyday is filled with getting all info I can see and watching highlights. My favourite player is Calvin and my favourite of the past is obviously Barry Sanders. I am surrounded by Patriots fans, Packers fans and Cowboys fans who laugh and scoff, but soon Mayhew and Schwartz will bring in the new decade of glory even better than what we had with Spielman, Blades, Sanders, Moore, Perriman, Gray and the perrenial pro-bowl, playoff teams of the 90s.
And when that comes I will be laughing so loud all Michigan will hear...from this side of the Atlantic!

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