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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Lions draft scenarios...the WHAT IF game

No-one said that picking at 13 would be easy. It has only become more complicated as players stock has soared then fallen. Let us observe the Lions fan predicament recently:
- We want Akeem Ayers! - Then a poor combine showing and the rise of others makes him a reach at 13.
- We want the Prince! - now it looks like there is no way he falls to 13.
- We want Jimmy Smith! - now his serious character issues are leading to GMs and scouts referring to him as a "piece of %*@"£
- We want Tyron Smith - now everyone wants Tyron Smith and he seems like one of the more 'can't miss' hits of the draft and a sudden temptation to Dallas and Minnesota.
Scary huh? What if all our heart's desires on draft day are gone by 13, no-one we like is there, and all we can do is reach?

And now we are stuck in a no man's land. An uncertain country of not really having any clue who will fall, who will fit and where the 13th pick will go. MaySchwartz will simply follow their mantra of drafting the best player available. It was easier in the past but it has steadied the ship and got us this far in 2 short years. And we stand seemingly on the verge of playoff football again.
However, we have been slightly kidding ourselves. Fooling ourselves into thinking that if we just get 1 or 2 pieces we are at the door of the Superbowl. The Lions need depth and quality across the board with the exception of quarterback and defensive line. This year we have a draft of real elite prospects at the defensive line who may slide to 13. That just doesn't happen very often and we cannot pass on one if they slide.
But here is what we do have: We have a coaching staff that has gone from Texas to Florida through Carolina via a host of other pro days scouring the nation for every bit of detail available. According to the 2006 book "The Draft" Matt Millen was villified for not even interviewing prospects he drafted. Mayhew couldn't be more his opposite!
In Jim Schwartz we have a man buying into a certain type of player to fit his scheme and philosophy. No flash, bang, burnout...just pure football in the Kyle Vanden Bosch/Matt Stafford mould. We can rest easy knowing full well that, no we don't have the answers, but the front office and coaching staff are truly brilliant at what they do, and they WILL find a gem in rounds 1 and 2 that will be pieces contributing towards a winning organisation.
We can play the 'what if' game and confound ourselves but these Lions' staff will not be confounded.

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