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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Schedule preview: Just how good ARE the Falcons?

Franchise quarterback? Check...
Feature back? Check...
Hall of fame tight end? Check...
Multiple pro bowl players? Check...
Division title? Check...
NFC number one seed? Check...
Great head coach with a winning record...Check...soooooo...what's missing?
Oh yes, humiliating home playoff defeat floor wiping by the eventual superbowl champions...CHECK!

So for a team that finished mostly high in the pack in offense and defense the Falcons need to face up to reality that they squeeked a few wins last year, won lots of close games and perhaps they aren't as dominant as they thought they were. People were giving them grief for them not really being the number 1 seed. Falcons fans complained of being disrespected and having earned the right to be feared more. There was lots of "why isn't Matt Ryan in conversation for being the best QB?" and then fears were confirmed when Green Bay silenced the dome and crushed the dreams.

Up until 2009 the Falcons had never had back to back winning seasons. They have had 3 in a row since the tragedy of 2007 and goodbyes to the Vick era. The Falcons are for real and will be around for a while, but until they can add to their pass rush and learn to shut down the passing attacks of the likes of the Saints and Packers they will be also rans during this stage. The only talk of the draft for so far has been a corner or pass rushing end/linebacker and that has to be the way they go.

When the Falcons visit Ford Field they will get more than they bargain for. The good times are rolling in Georgia but they are just set to start in Motown too. How the Falcons fare this year will have a huge amount to do with how they recover from the debacle that was the NFC divisional playoff.

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